bouquet herbarium one-day class

Gifts like this are very popular in Korea as bouquets are commonly given on special days to remember. Rather than throwing the bouquet away, we dry it specially to retain the colour and prevent it from decomposing.
In this class, you can experience making this lovely herbarium filled with real flowers and greens; a perfect time to relax and treat your eyes to nature. Choose from a seasonal selection of flowers and greens provided in class and fix it onto the glass the way you’d like it. Learn to work with delicate plants and create a soft look for your herbarium; which sways naturally when shaken. 🌼🌿
Choose to make an additional grip-tok to accessorise your phone! It will be the one and only design in the world as it’s handmade by you. 🫶🏻 Design it in your own unique way and no one will ever have the same! (Prepare to be showered with compliments when people spot the grip-tok on your phone~)
Students can also request at least a week before if you’d like to use your own bouquet for this one-day class. Please enquire with us on Instagram for more information.
*This item is solely for decor purposes, it is not a candle.
*Even though the flowers are dried, they may turn brown with time exposed to sunlight.

What you will be making

bouquet herbarium


bouquet herbarium + bouquet grip-tok


bouquet herbarium SGD52 per student


bouquet herbarium + bouquet grip-tok SGD62 per student

Estimated duration
1 hour ~ 1 hour 30 minutes (differs for each student)
 (For students making the grip-tok, you can collect it the next day onwards or choose to get it delivered as it takes time for the resin to cure. The herbarium can be brought home right after class.)
any enquiries / to book a timeslot
Instagram message @miyocandle